What Can Restaurants Learn from Business Branding Masterminds?

Posted by Alan NeSmith on Sep 23, 2015 12:38:00 PM

restbrandingThis year, Forbes Magazine came out with their annual List of the World’s Most Powerful Brands. These are the companies we recognize more than any other.

The organizations that have seared their identity so deep into our psyche, there’s no question whether or not we’ll think of them when the time comes to purchase something they offer.

They’re the biggest names in the world. But if we look beyond the names, and spend a little time thinking about how they’ve developed their brand over the years, we can pull out some great lessons that smaller and lesser known businesses can apply to improve their own brand.

In our most recent article, we share how globally recognized brands like McDonald's, IBM and Coca-Cola can inspire marketing initiatives and pass down branding tools to resonate with customers. So, what can restaurants take away from business branding masterminds? Some tips include: 

  • Refining your brand to become more recognizable.
  • Custom printing on commonly used materials such as butcher paper as an affordable and memorable medium.
  • Considering aspects of your restaurant to renovate like your menu, your lighting or paper table covers.

To read the full article, see the 3 Lessons Restaurants Can Learn From These Business Branding Masterminds or download our free guide of 5 Examples of Dramatically Improved Restaurant Branding.

 Read The 3 Lessons Restaurants Can  Learn from Business Branding Masterminds  

Tags: Custom Paper Ideas