When it comes to selecting a paper tube and core supplier, there are a number of things to consider. Depending on the industry you’re in and your specific needs, there will be different requirements, and you must be sure that your tube/core partner can meet all of them. There are also some standards on which you should never compromise.
That’s why it’s important to do your due diligence before selecting a partner to ensure that their tubes and cores will help you save money, reduce waste and ultimately deliver the best product to your customers.
Here are 5 important things to look for in a paper tube and core partner:
Quality of the final tube or core product is the most important factor in selecting the right supplier. In addition to the quality of the paper used to construct the tube or core, it’s crucial that length and wall thickness are accurate. An inaccuracy as small as a fraction of an inch can cost you time, money and wasted product. Crush strength and adhesives used are also important quality factors to consider.
Your tube and core manufacturer should use an efficient converting process that involves minimal handling or re-cuttng, giving you the maximum quality and value. They should also seek out higher yield paper grade alternatives that offer more linear feet per pound of paper. This will help reduce your cost and ultimately reduce waste at your own facility.
Consistency of the paper used for your tubes or cores also contributes to efficiency. This is best achieved by sticking with the paper type that is best for your products. Using a paper that is consistent in water holdout, smoothness, and finish makes it easier for the manufacturing process to remain efficient and streamlined.
Look for a tube and core partner that provides options for using recovered/recyclable materials. Paper tubes and cores contribute significantly to your company’s carbon footprint, therefore, this should be a crucial stipulation for any partner you’re considering. Just like you maintain strict recycling policies at your own company, you should expect the same of your tube and core supplier.
The ability to customize your tubes and cores to meet your company’s specific needs is also an important factor to look for in a partner. This includes customizing the inside or outside of the tube/core. You may benefit from partnering with a manufacturer that offers custom printing options for your product, such as logos, arrows, stripes, or other additions that will improve the look and marketing goals of your company.
At Oren International, we provide everything from the paper to the finished core or tube, which enables us to create your product to your specifications, including logos printed on the paper used to make them.
In addition to quality, efficiency, eco-friendly choices, and customization, it’s important that your tube and core supplier has integrated the best of breed technologies into their manufacturing processes. For example, does the manufacturer offer RFID-enabled cores for roll identification and tracking purposes? This is key in allowing you to be able to track and locate your products throughout the supply chain.
At Oren International, we’ve recently added new equipment to significantly increase our capabilities for tube and core manufacturing.
We now offer:
- Diameter ranges of 1.00 inch – 6.00 inches
- Wall thickness of .060 inches to .750 inches
- Inline blade cutting tolerances of +/- 1/64 inches
- Blade-cutting lengths from a minimum of 4 inches with no limit on maximum
Our equipment also enables cycle times of up to 90 cuts per minutes with the capability for offline re-cutting as needed on all lengths and IDs.
In addition to the greater range of core IDs and thicknesses, our new technology allows us to achieve greater accuracy and faster throughput per hour to make the most precise cores in the market. With the addition of our new clean room/climate controlled facility, we exceed most food and medical industry standards, allowing us to serve a larger customer base.
If you are looking for a paper tube and core supplier that can meet all of your specific business needs, contact us today to learn more.