Many businesses use paper products on a regular basis without thinking about their origin. A paper converting company often works with kraft paper, butcher paper, freezer paper or linerboard to make paper products for different uses. Simply put, a paper converter takes one form of paper and fabricates it into another paper product. For example, a large roll of kraft paper can be printed, coated and sheeted into custom sandwich wrap for a restaurant. Here are six surprising things a paper converting company can do.
Branding. With custom flexographic printing, paper converting companies can print a business' logo, artwork, illustrations, story and more on paper for branding purposes. Restaurants that wrap sandwiches and line baskets, and businesses that use kraft paper for shipping know that custom printing can add brand recognition to otherwise plain paper. Take advantage of the real estate right in your customers' hands.
Industry solutions. Industries rely on paper for different reasons. From teaching to manufacturing to construction to medical practices to restaurants and grocers, paper converters take on custom projects for any industry.
Food protection. Food service paper helps protect and preserve food. Whether displaying steaks, wrapping sandwiches, or storing meat from hunting, FDA approved butcher, freezer paper and steak paper are a safe and economical way to provide a barrier for food.
Versatile. Paper converting companies are skilled in creating versatile products using paper. Paper solutions for applications such as paper tubes, cores, cornerboard, bags, boxes, envelopes and industrial liners are just some creations possible with paper converting.
Less waste. Unlike other products, paper accounts for more than a half of all recyclables collected in the US, by weight. About forty-four million tons of paper and paperboard were recovered for recycling in 2012 as apposed to only 9 percent of the total plastic waste, according to the EPA. Not only is paper the most recyclable material on the market today, it’s also biodegradable.
Solutions for everyone. Paper products are not always industry related. Beyond business use, paper is truly for everyone. For DIY projects, crafts for children, weddings, gift wrap, decorations and more, paper is easy to use and affordable. Most of all, the project options are endless with a roll of kraft paper.
Do you need a custom paper solution for your business or restaurant? We are here to help! Find out what a paper converting company can really do.