The Rooftop Solar Project Will Offset 95% of the Annual Electricity Usage at Oren’s Headquarters
PENSACOLA, FL (5/28/21) Oren International, a leading provider of custom paper packaging solutions, and EnterSolar, a national developer of solar and energy storage systems to commercial enterprises, announce the completion of a 524-kilowatt solar installation at Oren’s headquarters in Pensacola, Florida. Sustainability is an important value to Oren, and they have optimized their production process to reduce paper waste and increase the efficiency of recycling at every stage. The rooftop solar system is the latest step on Oren’s path towards sustainability.
This notable solar installation will produce an estimated 708,000 kilowatt-hours of clean energy annually, enough to offset approximately 95% of Oren’s electricity consumption at its headquarters, which includes offices and a manufacturing facility. Comprised of 1,366 individual modules, the system has environmental benefits equivalent to planting 369 acres of U.S. forests or saving nearly 44,000 gallons of gasoline a year. The solar energy produced has the environmental benefits of avoiding 856,350 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions a year.
Through generating solar energy onsite, Oren decreases its reliance on the grid and enjoys saving on its electricity bill for the 25+ year lifespan of the system.
“The decision to install a rooftop solar system at our headquarters aligned perfectly with Oren’s commitment to sustainability and renewable energy. With government incentives and strong project economics, going solar was a sound investment in addition to being the environmentally responsible choice. The system will provide electricity quietly and cleanly for the next 25 to 30 years,” said Alan NeSmith, President, Oren International.
EnterSolar worked with Oren from the development of the project all the way through its completion, managing the financing structures, engineering, installation, and project management. “We were excited to partner with Oren International to make its business operations even more sustainable. This rooftop solar system helps Oren achieve its important sustainability goals through utilizing renewable energy, and they are a shining example of a company doing its part to mitigate its environmental impact,” said Christina Hatzistratis, Business Development Director, EnterSolar.
About Oren International
Oren International has been in operation in Pensacola, Florida for more than 25 years and is a leading provider of custom paper solutions for distributors, manufacturers, and the food service industry. The company offers paper converting and printing services for commercial and industrial businesses. Oren’s customized solutions include cutting, laminating, and printing based on each of their clients’ needs.